All posts by Michelle Frechette

About Michelle Frechette

Michelle Frechette is the Executive Director of Post Status. Michelle was called "The busiest woman in WordPress," by Matt Mullenweg at WCUS 2022. In addition to her work at Post Status, Michelle is the Podcast Barista at, cofounder of, creator of, creator of, author, and a frequent organizer and speaker at WordPress events. Michelle lives outside of Rochester, NY where she’s an avid nature photographer. You can learn more about Michelle at Executive Director of Post Status Creator of and Organizer: WordCamp US 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 Organizer, WordCamp Europe 2022 Organizer: WordCamp Buffalo 2016, 2018, 2019, 2023 Organizer: WordCamp Rochester 2016, 2017, 2018, 2023, 2024 Organizer: Rochester WordPress User Meetup Organizer: WordFest Live 2021, 2022 Organizer: WP Career Summit 2022 WordCamp Mentor WordPress Photo Team Podcaster:, Underrepresented In Tech, Post Status Speaking History: (2025) WordCamp Asia.(2024) WordCamp Asia; WordCamp Montclair; WordCamp Canada. (2023) WordCamp Asia; WordCamp Phoenix; WordCamp Europe; WordCamp Montclair; WordCamp Buffalo; WPCampus; WordCamp Rochester, WordCamp Montreal. (2022) WordCamp Montclair; Atarim Digital Agency Summit. (2021) WordCamp India; WordCamp Northeast Ohio; WordCamp Santa Clarita Valley, WordCamp Taiwan. (2020) WordCamp Miami; WordCamp Kent; WordCamp Denver. (2019) WordCamp Buffalo (keynote); WordCamp Hamilton; WordCamp Kent (keynote); WordCamp Ottawa; WordCamp Montreal, WordCamp Rochester; WordCamp Niagara. (2018) WordCamp San Diego; WordCamp Buffalo; WordCamp St. Louis; WordCamp Kent, WordCamp Boston, WordCamp Hamilton, WordCamp Rochester, WordCamp Montreal. (2017) WordCamp Portland, Maine; WordCamp Ottawa; WordCamp Montreal, WordCamp Toronto, WordCamp Providence, WordCamp Rochester. (2016) Hiring Your New Superintendent: Process, Stakeholders, and Applicants, Oh My!, New York State School Boards Association Annual Convention and Tradeshow in Buffalo, NY; The Hidden Features of WordPress, WordCamp Buffalo, WordCamp Ottawa, WordCamp Toronto, WordCamp Pittsburgh; Writing Better Email, Genesee Valley BOCES District Clerks Conference; (2015). Effective School Board Study Sessions, New York State School Boards Association’s Annual Convention and Tradeshow in New York City, NY; (2010). Board Self-Evaluation - How Are We Doing? New York State School Boards Association’s Annual Convention and Tradeshow in New York City, NY; (2013-2016) Rochester Business Alliance/Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce: Customer Service, Writing, Business Communication, Presentation Skills, Listening Your Way to Increased Productivity.

It’s a Wrap!


At the end of a day of WordCamp, it’s a good day if people have learned something, shared something, and made new friends along the way.

With that said, we’re calling WordCamp Rochester a roaring success – and that’s because of YOU. Thank you for making today such an amazing day!

Want to keep the WordPress love going? Consider joining us in the local Rochester WordPress community. Here are a few links to help you get connected:

Questions? Email and she will be happy to help you connect!

And don’t forget that WordCamp US is coming in December in Philadelphia!

It’s Almost Here!!!

WordCamp Rochester is just a few days away – this Saturday, October 15!

Here’s some of the main info to keep in mind to make the most out of the day.


University of Rochester
William E. Simon Graduate School of Business
in Schlegel Hall
on Wilson Blvd.
Rochester, NY 14627
There are several entrances to the building. We will have signs outside of the entrances for you to find us. Make your way to the rotunda and registration. You can’t miss it, and we’ll post signs to help you if you do.

Directions to the building are here:


There are many parking lots around the campus, and parking on the weekend is FREE! So find a spot that works. Being a big campus, there will be a bit of a walk to get to the building, so plan an extra 10 minutes to get to registration on time. Best lots for access are the Bridge Lot and Trustee Lot.


Registration will take place between 8:00 and 8:30am in the Main Hall, first floor, just outside of the rotunda. Bagels and coffee available to all.


We will start with an awesome Key Note Address by Brian Rotsztein at 8:30am, so be on time. You won’t want to miss this!

Want to plan your day? Review the session schedule here:


Breakfast: light breakfast of bagels and coffee/teaLunch: Boxed Sandwiches with chips, fruit and cookie. Vegetarian, Vegan and GF Veggie will be provided for those who selected those options when you purchased your ticket.


Please join us for some snacks and drinks after the conclusion of WordCamp. The After Party will be held at The Scotch House Pub. Your WCROC badge is your after party ticket.

Scotch House Pub
373 South Goodman Street
Rochester, NY 14607


WordCamps are casual events. Dress comfortably and plan for any weather possible (it’s Rochester, the weather is weird here). Right now the forecast is sunny and 70degF for Saturday. YAY!

  • Pen & Paper (some people still use them) – You’ll learn lots of new things, and we doubt you’ll be able to remember everything!
  • Laptop – optional – If taking notes electronically is more your speed, feel free to bring your laptop. The classrooms are equipped with Wifi and charging capabilities, with desks and great desk chairs. You will also want your own laptop if you plan to visit the Happiness Bar for assistance on your site. (More about the Happiness Bar here:
  • Mobile Phones/Smart Watches – we encourage you to share all that you are learning via social media with the hashtag #wcroc.
  • Device Chargers – we will have extra power and charging stations, however you will need to bring your own charging cables. Power will not be available at every seat, so please bring your devices fully charged.
  • Mobile Hot Spot – optional – Wifi will be available, and should work well (it’s a business school), but when you pack 140+ WordPress folks in one place, tech can be unpredictable at times. If you must be connected to the internet at all times, consider a hot spot.

Questions? Email Michelle at and she’ll do her best to answer them!

See you on Saturday!
~The WordCamp Rochester Team

What is a Happiness Bar?

If you’ve been to WordCamps before, you may be familiar with the Happiness Bar. If not, you may be wondering what it is…and if you should check it out.

So what exactly IS a Happiness Bar?

The WordCamp Happiness Bar is basically FREE help for your website. The Happiness Bar is staffed with volunteer WordPress users, designers, and developers who are offering their experience and expertise to help you. So what might they be able to help you with?

  • Plugin advice
  • Theme advice
  • CSS help
  • HTML help
  • Code issues
  • Security advice

Who staffs the Happiness Bar?

Volunteers. Everything that happens at WordCamp happens because of volunteers. From the organizers to the speakers to the people at the registration table to the Happiness Bar exists because of volunteers. As such, not every volunteer may be able to solve every issue. If they can’t…they can usually direct you to someone or resources who can.

Sometimes our speakers will head to the Happiness Bar after their talks, too. So if you want to “continue the conversation” that’s a great place to be.

Why go to the Happiness Bar?

Whether you have a question you need answered, code that needs to be reviewed or just want to get some work done, this is the place to be. Come and ask questions, answer questions and meet new friends. If it’s a WordPress question, you can ask it at the Happiness Bar!

Please Note: Not all problems can be solved quickly and easily. Although the Happiness Bar is a place to get you going in the right direction, you might need to continue the conversation after WordCamp. And, not to disappoint you, but that might cost money. Volunteers will do their best to help you as much as possible during the weekend, but sometimes, you just need a professional.

Brian Rotsztein to Deliver Keynote Address at WordCamp Rochester

We are pleased to announce our Keynote Speaker, Brian Rotsztein. Brian will kick off WordCamp Rochester with a presentation titled, “The Path to Success with WordPress: Business, Blogging and Community.”

About the Keynote Presentation

WordPress is software like no other. Every fourth website you encounter was built using it. Creative skills are mastered with it. Businesses harness its versatility. It has the power to bring together people from diverse backgrounds. Yet to so many, it’s “just” software. As a blogger, web designer, marketer, educator, and entrepreneur since long before its existence, I’ve watched it grow into a worldwide phenomenon. My own path to success is intertwined with a decade of WordPress use. Clearly, there’s more to this software than just a free install.

About Brian

Over the last two decades, Brian has embraced being an entrepreneur, Internet marketing professional, consultant, author, speaker, web designer, and photographer. With an eye for creative visuals and understanding the consumer mindset, he helps businesses and organizations harness the power of the Internet. His most recent book, Content Marketing Ideas, is a complete and trusted guide to current tactics in online marketing. It has been highly praised by critics, including five star ratings on Amazon in the US, Canada, and the UK. He’s the head of well-established brands including Uniseo, a boutique online marketing agency, and Redstone Online Communications, a web design and online marketing specialty shop, where he brings a hype-free, seasoned approach to working with clients. He is also the editor of Citynet Magazine, a lifestyle, trends, food, style, pop culture, and travel review guide and blog based in Montreal. You may have caught his appearances on CTV News, or various radio shows and podcasts. He writes about content marketing, SEO, social media, business, and entrepreneurship, among other topics. His work has been used by USA Today, ABC News, Social Media Today, Search Engine Journal, and other prominent sources. He’s a Senior Editor at The WP Crowd and President of theCanadian Internet Marketing Association. Brian holds two Master’s degrees, has taught university courses, and provides training services on Internet marketing. He’s been using WordPress since 2005 (version 1.6!) Connect with him on Twitter (@brianrotsztein) and Instagram (@brianrotsztein).

Attend WordCamp Rochester 2016

In addition to our keynote address, 21 sessions will be offered over three tracks for any level WordPress user.

Tickets are limited, so be sure to register before they are gone.

Register here.

Cobb’s Hill Sponsor Spotlight – Cazbah

It is an exciting time to be part of the Rochester WordPress community as we look forward to the first-ever WordCamp Rochester! WordCamp Rochester would not be possible without the generous support of our amazing sponsors.In the time leading up to the inaugural WordCamp Rochester we will be introducing our wonderful sponsors so that you may get to know and support the amazing organizations that are making this WordCamp a reality. Today’s Sponsor that we would like to thank and to present to you is Rochester’s own Cazbah, sponsoring at the Cobb’s Hill level.


We help small businesses take FULL advantage of the Internet as their Primary Marketing Medium. Marketing provides the MEANS to the Sales END! If your Internet Marketing activities are not generating Sales results, then you are wasting your money and time!

One of the reasons that our customers stay with us year-after-year, besides being wildly successful on the Web, is because we answer the phone when they call. We hear this all the time! That seems like a little thing but, according to our customers, it’s a pretty big deal. Apparently, other Internet service providers aren’t in the habit of answering their telephones these days. Go figure… You can’t have a relationship with someone’s voicemail. So, we pick up the phone and talk with our customers. We treat people how we like to be treated, with RESPECT and DIGNITY!

Visit Cazbah here:

Your Company Name Here!

We would love to show WordCamp Rochester attendees who you are! We have sponsorships available for $100 or $500 — or talk to us about another amount you may have in mind.

We would love to show you off!

We’ve kept things fairly simple, but if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Here’s what you’ll get:

Cobb’s Hill – $500

  • 2 tickets to WordCamp Rochester
  • Dedicated sponsor booth at the event (5′ table) for company swag
  • Invitation for 2 people to attend the sponsor/speaker party
  • Persistent logo and link on the WordCamp Rochester site
  • Logo on event print material
  • Blog post & tweet announcing your sponsorship

Highland – $100

  • 1 ticket to WordCamp Rochester
  • Invitation for 1 person to attend the sponsor/speaker party
  • Ability to place company swag on a community table
  • Persistent logo and link on the WordCamp Rochester site
  • Tweet announcing your sponsorship

Apply to be a sponsor HERE.

Call for Sponsors

Below are the official sponsorship levels offered for WordCamp Rochester 2016.

We’ve kept things fairly simple, but if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. And hey, if none of the options below are right for you, please feel free to get in touch with us and let us know if you have something else in mind.

Cobb’s Hill – $500

  • 2 tickets to WordCamp Rochester
  • Dedicated sponsor booth at the event (5′ table) for company swag
  • Invitation for 2 people to attend the sponsor/speaker party
  • Persistent logo and link on the WordCamp Rochester site
  • Logo on event print material
  • Blog post & tweet announcing your sponsorship

Highland – $100

  • 1 ticket to WordCamp Rochester
  • Invitation for 1 person to attend the sponsor/speaker party
  • Ability to place company swag on a community table
  • Persistent logo and link on the WordCamp Rochester site
  • Tweet announcing your sponsorship

MicroSponsorships – $30 to $75

  • Link on the WordCamp Rochester site