Joe A Simpson Jr

Joe A Simpson Jr

During endless, sun-soaked days Joe A Simpson Jr works at Metro LA, one of the largest transit agencies in the country, fighting the good fight to ease gridlock around Los Angeles County. When their Lead Developer and CSS goddess both left to pursue other opportunities, Joe inherited a Headway-themed design without a child theme, and the rest is history.
Over thirteen years later, he manages a growing WordPress blog network consisting of dozen project-specific or transit news sites. He brings expertise in User-Experience, Search Engine Optimization, and Accessibility to Metro’s Digital Strategy team.
Joe is a Front-End Web Developer and User-Experience Designer specializing in WordPress solutions. He brought WordPress north of Los Angeles in 2019 as Lead Organizer for WordCamp Santa Clarita, is very active in the Community as a volunteer, speaker, is a member of the WordCamp US 2020 Programming Team, and is also a SiteGround Ambassador.
Twitter Handle: @joesimpsonjr
