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Yoast SEO is the #1 WordPress SEO plugin that helps millions of sites rank higher in Google and other search engines. Our users range from some of the most popular sites worldwide to the shop around the corner. SEO for Everyone, that’s our mission. Our plugin helps you with your technical SEO settings (e.g. controlling what search engines index), but also helps you write quality content by giving you feedback on the rankability and readability of your content (e.g. avoiding passive voice).
Yoast SEO:

  • Is the most downloaded SEO plugin (+11 million active downloads)
  • Helps you get more visitors from Google, Bing, and social media
  • Handles the technical stuff and helps you create awesome content

In addition to our Yoast SEO plugin, we also offer other plugins that can help you step up your SEO game. Want to know more about our plugins and our involvement in the community? Read all about it on Yoast.com!