Designing a Joy-Filled Workflow: Integrating Purpose, Productivity, and Personal Balance into Freelancing and WordPress Development

In the fast-paced world of freelancing and WordPress development, it can be easy to get caught up in deadlines, client demands, and the constant push for success. But what if you could achieve not just professional fulfillment, but also personal joy in the process? This talk will explore how More Room For Joy’s principles—self-management, interconnectivity, automation and purpose-driven work—can transform your freelance career and elevate your contributions to the WordPress community.

Drawing on nearly 30 years of experience in professional fields and personal life lessons, Christine Baker Marriage will share actionable strategies to help freelancers and developers design workflows that bring them not only efficiency but also fulfillment. From intentional time management to balancing personal well-being with client satisfaction, this session will empower attendees to find purpose in their work while building sustainable careers.

Key Takeaways:

1. Purposeful Planning – Learn how to design your days and projects with joy and purpose, creating space for both personal growth and professional achievement.

2. Self-Management and Balance – Understand how to avoid burnout by incorporating holistic self-care practices into your workday, ensuring productivity without sacrificing well-being.

3. Creating Interconnectivity – Build deeper, more meaningful relationships with clients and the WordPress community by aligning your work with a greater purpose and focusing on authentic connection.

Whether you’re a seasoned freelancer, a WordPress developer, or just starting your entrepreneurial journey, this talk will give you the tools and mindset shifts needed to align your business with a life of joy, purpose, and fulfillment.
