Call for Sponsors

We would love to have you sponsor WCROC 2024!

Sponsorship of WordCamps makes it possible for people to attend at a reasonable price that makes it accessible to all. Sponsorship helps us cover venue rental costs and food costs. Interested? Read on…

Listed below are the official sponsorship levels offered for WordCamp Rochester 2023.

We’ve kept things fairly simple, but if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. And hey, if none of the options below are right for you, please feel free to get in touch with us and let us know if you have something else in mind.

High Falls Sponsorship $1000
the background is white and blue with a photo of Rochester's high falls waterfall and the skyline in the background
  • 2 tickets to WordCamp Rochester
  • Dedicated sponsor booth at the event (6′ table) for company swag
  • Invitation for 2 people to attend the sponsor/speaker party
  • Persistent logo and link on the WordCamp Rochester site
  • Logo on event print material
  • Blog post & tweet announcing your sponsorship
  • Thank you mention and link in event-related attendee emails

Lower Falls Sponsorship $500
The background is blue and white. There is a photo of Rochester's lower falls waterfall on the left.
  • 1 ticket to WordCamp Rochester
  • Invitation for 1 person to attend the sponsor/speaker party
  • Persistent logo and link on the WordCamp Rochester site
  • Tweet announcing your sponsorship
  • Thank you mention and link in event-related attendee emails

Erie Canal Sponsorship $250
The backgound is blue and white. A photo of the Erie Canal with a boat and a lift bridge is to the left.
  • 1 ticket to WordCamp Rochester
  • Invitation for 1 person to attend the sponsor/speaker party
  • Text link on the WordCamp Rochester site

Micro-sponsorship $100
The background is blue and white. There is a photo of a stream in the woods running over rocks on the left.
  • 1 ticket to WordCamp Rochester
  • Name included in sponsors section on WordCamp Rochester site
  • Microsponsorship tickets can be purchased directly through our ticket sales page

Is this your first time being a sponsor at a WordPress event?

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