Bud Kraus

Bud Kraus

Bud Kraus has been working with WordPress as an in-class and online instructor, site developer, and content creator for over 14 years.

He’s been hanging around the WordPress Community even before his first talk at WordCamp NYC 2017 at the UN.

He’s a completely reformed web designer no longer building WP sites even if someone wants to over pay him. (But they never do).

Today, his focus is on Creating WordPress Content for WordPress Businesses. To him, it’s just another way to teach and have fun working with clients he loves and admires – his friends.

No matter the project, Bud works with clients the way they want to work and not the other way around.

Working as a content creative Bud creates WordPress materials as educational articles or instructional videos for WordPress companies.

Bud is very active and well-known in the WordPress community in and around the New York City and Northern New Jersey areas. He has contributed to several lessons on Learn.WordPress as well as doing many webinars for the Community.
As he loves to say, “WordPress software is pretty good but the Community is the absolute best.”

Bud is the host of the Seriously, BUD? podcast where he has a weekly unexpected conversation with someone in the WordPress Community. https://seriouslybud.com/

In 2022 he was featured as a Person of WordPress on wordpress.org > https://wordpress.org/news/2022/08/people-of-wordpress-bud-kraus/


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